Academy for Market Orientation India (R 4034005)

Passion is the “Fashion”

I got an opportunity call two weeks back to conduct “Goal setting & Motivation session” for CSR wing of one of the leading corporate.I know my date fell exactly on last day of a week which I had full of travel .But I know I can manage sometime in airports to organize my thoughts and prepare some basic framework.It was indeed on 4 am on 13th April 2016 in Chennai Airport I slotted 30 minutes . Again on 14th April 2016  @ 7 pm I was able to slot few minutes for draft plan.I landed late night in Chennai and I have to take this session on Friday 15th April 2016, 9 30 am.With all the tiredness and my passion towards student interaction I started the session @ 10 am. I was amazed to see the kind of passion all these 35 students showed in the session. In-fact few didn’t even think about lunch and had post session one on one for almost an hour.Few also started interacting with me over phone ,whats app and mail on goals challenges as a good frien.After all these I was just pondering the high ambition and passion today’s young generation displayed in those three hours.One girl spoke about politics as ambition,becoming an Entrepreneur,Foreign studies,Banking etc .Overwhelmed by the passion and commitment I just felt I should create a forum through which I should guide them on continuous basis and I am  working on it.
The students never had the modern outfit ,branded costumes or the new age fashion outfit on them. But the kind of passion they displayed and commitment towards working on the goal was really fantastic.

With  “Passion as their Fashion “I am sure if  they are guided properly the vision of India Super Power is not very far….

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